My job, my choice

In December 2022, Our Voice Australia shared the wishes and experiences of 655 supported employees, and their family advocates, with the Disability Royal Commission. 

These voices were captured through a national survey of supported employees and their family advocates. Overwhelmingly, we heard that supported employees liked their job, the people they work with, and want to stay where they are now.

Backed by these results, our submission said that everyone has the right to:

  • Define what meaningful work and inclusion means to them

  • Choice and control over their employment journey

  • Access job opportunities that match their abilities, aspirations, and strengths

  • Do the type of work they want, where they want

“We have now read your submission regarding the importance of maintaining Australian Disability Enterprises as an option for the employment of people with disability. We hear your assertion that dismantling Australia’s current supported employment model would override the career aspirations and desires of many workers.”

— Disability Royal Commission

News and coverage

Survey finds employees enjoy supported employment  

Removing supported employment in its current form “would override the career aspirations and desires” of thousands of employees across Australia, according to a submission to the DRC.

We need heart in the conversation about social inclusion

There’s no question Australia needs to be inclusive of all abilities. However, there’s an exceptional irony in the parameters currently being set; they exclude a large cohort.

Embrace work choices, say supported employees and families

After surveying 655 supported employees and their advocates, OVA is calling for the disability sector to embrace work choices in the ongoing discussion about employment.